McGregor's Home Page |
Welcome to my home page.
This is Colin McGregor's home page on the Internet. In
the link below you will find my resume with details
about my life, in summary:
- I am currently doing some consulting work, and am actively looking for a more challenging position.
- I am the author of the February 2005 "Linux Journal" article "A Temporary Internet Lounge" (where I talk about what I did
(to good
reviews) at the 2003 World Science Fiction Convention, Torcon 3).
- I've made presentations before the Toronto Linux
User Groups and New
Toronto Linux User Group.
- I am a former President (and current member of the Board of Directors) of the Toronto
Free-Net, the largest (and oldest) not for profit Internet Service Provider in Toronto.
- I am experienced with setting up a wide range of terminal servers, modems and other remote access hardware.
- I am an amateur radio operator (VE3ZAA).
I am also a big fan of the site, some of whose
formatting elements I "borrowed" for this site.
Networking project notes. |
It can be crazy, but it's also good fun.
My home networking project. One of the things I quickly learned about creating a home computer network is there does not
seem to be a lot of literature about home networking out on the net. Especially when your focus is computer networking
(as opposed to say the ultimate in a house sound system). What follows are my notes regarding some of what I learned by
doing my idea of a good home network.
Toronto Free-Net
notes. |
What a long strange trip it has been.
The Toronto Free-Net has been my great pride (and on occasion pain) for
quite some time now. Here is some material about the Toronto Free-Net,
the origins and history.
Other Interests.
Little stuff...
This is where I gather the bits and pieces that I would like to mention about myself that don't really demand a
section on their own. For example, I'm a siamese cat owner ("Jasmine") or I am a fan of cookbook author Todd Wilbur's
recipes. This is where I gather all these little bits together.
Fast Links |
A Temporary Internet Lounge
A Temporary Internet Lounge Revisited
A Motherboard Upgrade HOWTO
A Look at the Linux World Canada Show
A Video Card Upgrade HOWTO
A Beginning Look At MythTV
An Evening With Jeff Waugh
The Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC) Project
Debian GNU/Linux
The 2006 LinuxWorld
Canada Show
KDE Kontact
Controlling Spam
with SpamAssassin
"Don the Red Hat : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release 5 includes
virtualization", Linux Magazine, April 2007
| Favorite
Toronto Free-Net, General
Groklaw looks at where the law
and Open Source meet, VA Linux Systems
Linux, Tux the penguin is loose and
is hungry for Windows
Home automation software for Linux, Mac OS/X, and Windows
Slashdot, News for Nerds.
The Register, Technology news from the UK
with an often mean editorial slant.
Free OS Distributions:
Love that sneaker wearing "daemon"!
Tomato Linux,
A great Linux for some Linksys routers.
Debian GNU/Linux, Safe, stable, and boring (in a good sense). What more could
you ask for?
Fedora Linux, Free RedHat spin-off.
Knoppix Linux,
Linux on a bootable CD, great for trying Linux, and easily adapted
for special projects.
Free/Shareware Software/Art:
Tucows, Software for many
platforms, including Palm and Linux.
Blasphemy, Great screen wallpaper.
Palm Stuff:
Memoware, Palm Books
PalmGear, Palm software and
Top Secret Recipes,
Todd Wilbur's food clones.
CyberKuali, Malaysian food.
Alton Brown, My favorite TV cooking
show's host home page.
User Friendly, Life at a
small Internet service provider.
The Joy of Tech. A (largely)
Macintosh oriented technology cartoon.
Kevin and Kell, Story of a rabbit married
to a wolf, and their family.
General Protection Fault,
What can happen at a small, not quite normal software firm.
Other Humor:
The Onion, A weekly U.S. paraody
A human being should
be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog,
conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take
orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a
tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is
for insects.
- from "Time Enough For Love" - by Robert A. Heinlein
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The Rest 1999-2005 Colin
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